Saturday, February 5, 2011

Roller Coasters...

Wow, it has been one roller coaster of a day. Here are the highs and lows:

Started off fairly normal, other than having to dose the twins with motrin for a fever. Shayna has been in a funk recently so I had some drama from her this afternoon.

I was given the opportunity to talk to Hannah about salvation (not for the first time, but for the first time that I think she actually GOT it) She closed her eyes and said her own prayer!! I didn't get to lead her in a prayer, but hey, she got the jist of it herself. :o) We then talked about baptism. She may get baptized after her Daddy gets home!

Heard we will be in a communication lull for a while with Michael. I guess he does have a job to do...

Prayed with both my big girls to protect their Daddy and to give us the strength to carry on till he can come home. They are so precious! I just know that God was listening with a swelling heart and moist eyes as I was.

So now with tear stained eyes I am off to watch some Pushing Daisy's and finish my wine. I'm getting off this coaster for the night. :o)

p.s. Now that I have posted this, I see that Roller coasters seem to be my theme. Maybe I should change the title of my blog?