Thursday, September 23, 2010


What a roller coaster of a day. It started off well enough, the kiddos were all happy when they woke up and the big girls cooperated (with some 'encouragement') with the morning chores. I rushed everyone along in cleaning up after breakfast while I got a grocery list together. As they were finishing up I jaunted over to my neighbors apt to see if she needed anything from the store. (She doesn't drive and her hubby is deployed too.) She got me a list of a few things together while I loaded everyone up in the van.

Everything is good, we're on our way...Then we get to Wal-mart. Gosh darn I hate that place. Why do they have to be so darn convenient? Anyway, as I get the twins out and loaded in the double cart I notice that my eldest is BAREFOOT!!! This is the second time in less than a week that we have arrived somewhere public and she did not have any footwear! She was scolded very well the first time so I am flabbergasted that she had the gall to do it again. This time she got grounded right away. I decided to go straight to the back of the store and pick up a cheap pair of flip flops so I wouldn't have to answer to the authorities for neglect.

Great! They have some on clearance for a dollar! Score! We go back up to the front to pay for them and some water and, wouldn't you know it, the stores credit/debit system is down. Well, I took the tag off the shoes and put them on her feet and decided I would just hand the tag to the lady when I was done with all of my shopping. Midway down the isle on our way to the back of the store to get started (I work my way to the front), I realize that I have left my phone at home. My phone that has this wonderful app for grocery shopping. The one I used this morning to make my list.

Wow! I am pretty frustrated by now. I see the soda isle. Kim wanted me to get her some Diet Dr. pepper. I'm not going to let this be a wasted trip. I'll just get her stuff and come back later for mine. Wouldn't you know it, they are all out of Diet Dr. pepper. Grrr! Of course, I do not have her phone number, since this is a newly formed relationship and I don't have my phone with me anyway even if I did@!@! (That was a typo but I will leave it for effect, it fits.)

Well, I went to the front of the store, not bothering to ask if the system was back up, went to self-checkout and used one of my two dollars in my wallet to pay for Hannah's flip flops and home we went.

On the way home I managed some deep breathing and prayer. Knowing it wouldn't do any good to let this all get me down for the day and just give up, I pressed on and tried to make the best of what was left.

By this time it was well past the twins regular naptime. I had planned to put them down for one long nap after lunch. Instead they got a cup of milk (the last of the gallon in the fridge) and went down for a nap at 10:45 AM. I had the big girls work on school while I caught up on the Esther bible study I had just joined in on this week. We have calm and peace in the house for about two hours. It was great!

A little before one this afternoon I decided I was hungry and should probably get everyone some lunch so we could make another store attempt. Rhian is the first to wake up so I get her and I fed while the big girls are finishing up their school. By this time I realize that if we don't get out soon, we won't make it in time for Hannah's jujitsu class at four o'clock. Rush, rush, rush! I make sandwhiches for the other girls and load everyone back up in the van and off we go, again.

This time, instead of me going and getting the cart and bringing it to the van, I carried the twins to the door and had Hannah fetch it. Today was our first attempt at not using any strollers. The twins sit up very well so I figured they are big enough to use the double child carts the stores provide. It would work if I didn't have to 1) leave all the kids in the van while I search one down or 2) stand there holding my 20 and 18lb twins for an eternity waiting for my 7 year old to find one that doesn't have any broken straps! Grrr!!

"Deep breaths Laura, deep breaths...calm...It doesn't do anyone any good to see an insane mother go off on all of wal-mart because her day isn't going as she had hoped. In fact, it would do much damage, to your conscience, your children, and for all self proclaiming Christians. It just isn't godly."

Whew! We have a cart that has at least 3 of the 4 needed straps. We will make it work, lets get going!

So the actual shopping portion went pretty smoothly. Everyone was in a good mood, the big girls behaved for the most part and we were able to get everything on the list.

Hey, what do you know! Their debit/credit system is back up and running. That's good because we now have less than an hour to get back to the house, get the groceries unloaded and the cold stuff put away, everyone changed (Hannah for jitz, Kayla for dance, and me for walking during jitz class) and over to the gym for Hannah's class. Rush, rush , rush again!

Can you believe we made it with one minute to spare? I was even able to get all 8 laps in that I wanted to with a little bit of running (yes, I said RUNNING!) thrown in for good measure. Everything is peachy. After Hannah's class I get us all over to the church for Kayla's 30min dance class. I really can't complain, it's free and she loves it. I chat with a friend and run after the twins (they are restless by this point) while Kayla has her class. We come home. I take another deep breath and sigh. I am tired from the day and my walk but I am relaxed because it is almost over.

I get dinner made, the girls clean up while I get the twins a bath. It isn't quite bedtime yet and their room need some attention. I get the big girls started on putting clean clothes away and picking up the dirty ones while I lay on the floor and let the twins use me as a jungle gym. They are being very cooperative. Hannah is just finishing up clearing out their closet floor when she threw a dress-up shoe out. The good Disney ones that are solid plastic. Yeah, it hit me square in the forehead.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home

They say home is where the heart is. That is certainly true for a military family. As such we have come to adopt that philosophy. And here we go again. No, we aren't PCS'ing (changing duty stations), we are just moving here in town.

When we moved here last year We were anticipating my mom living with us. Because of that I looked for a four bedroom house. I tried to budget so that we wouldn't need any income from her in case something were to happen and we couldn't count on it. When I chose the house we are in now I knew it was on the high end for rent but I thought we could make it. I was wrong. Last summer our August electricity bill was over $300. Yeah, the only way we made it was because we did have her contributing.

Well, now my sister is in need of some assistance and mom has moved in with her up in New York state. Good for her, bad for us. :o) We most definately cannot afford to stay in this house without a little help. So we are now looking around for a cheaper place.

We are looking at a couple more places but I am sure we will have a place picked out by the end of the week so I will be putting in our 30 day notice later today. Also, We want to be all moved into the new place by the end of July since Michael will be leaving sometime after that for Afghanistan again.

This is also all just a year out from us making and actual PCS move! As is stands right now we will be moving with 7th Grp to Florida next summer. Michael has tried to get in with a different unit here on Bragg. Everything is working against him though and it doesn't look like it will happen. So, three moves in three years here we come!

Friday, April 30, 2010

To Start Again...

We just became members of Rockfish Church a few weeks ago. We have been here a year and this is the only church that I really felt we could make our home. It 'fits' us. I am super excited about it because they have a homeschool group called Fishnet as well as a military wives group. I'm eager to get plugged in somewhere.

Tomorrow the Fishnet is having a homeschooling conference. I am looking forward to attending. I haven't joined any homeschool groups yet and I know it will be nice to have the support. It has been rough going so far. It's not that I've gotten a lot of grief from Hannah either. It has mainly been a lack of confidence and self-discipline on my part. I am ready to move on and get to gettin'!

We read a book recently that really took a lot of pressure off. It's called The Imperfect Homeschooler's Guide To Homeschooling. We really enjoyed it and gleaned some good insight from it. Since then, however, we have had so much going on with family vacations and such that I haven't really taken any time to get going with what we have.

So now, after yet another regrouping session, we are set to start again. Even though I am taking a week vacation myself in a couple weeks, I am hoping Daddy will carry on the momentum. I need to feel like we're making progress! So far it has just been start, stop, start, stop...

Even though we like to say "there's no need to reinvent the wheel", it is still a learning process for us. I've only known the public school system myself so in a way I am reinventing my own idea of what school is. Knowing that we are doing what is right for our kids is a comfort though. I also know that we have some super smart kids. So really all I have to do is teach them to read and we would be good! lol! They will take over from there. :o)

Many prayers on Monday would be appreciated! That is our kickoff day (again)!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

That bad huh?

So I got off my butt today, as I've been meaning too for a while now. I had two adventures today that showed me just how out of shape I really am.
First I set my alarm last night for 6am. I was hoping I could sneak in a 20 min Jillian Michael's workout before my 8mo old twins woke up. I managed to get about 10 minutes into it. Boy was I glad when I heard those cries! Jillian was kicking my butt! This wasn't the first time I've used this dvd either, it's just been a while. I paused it intending to finish, but alas the requirements of the day kept me away.
Later in the afternoon, after I got the twins down for a nap, I got my bike out since my mom was home. I just bought it about 2 weeks ago. I LOVE bike riding. When I was in HS I biked to work and road out into the country just for the hell of it on the weekends. Today was my first ride in over 10 years. It was not pretty. I managed to get about 3 miles in round trip and I literally felt like I was going to die coming up the last hill to the house. My legs felt like they were 100lbs a piece! I even had to lean over the sink while I got some water afraid I was going to puke it right back up.
Needless to say, I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning. I think I might pop some ibuprofen tonight to help ward off the pain that is inevitable. I may need to get an economy sized bottle, cause I'm not giving up! Here's to day one of my streak! Bring it on!