Friday, April 30, 2010

To Start Again...

We just became members of Rockfish Church a few weeks ago. We have been here a year and this is the only church that I really felt we could make our home. It 'fits' us. I am super excited about it because they have a homeschool group called Fishnet as well as a military wives group. I'm eager to get plugged in somewhere.

Tomorrow the Fishnet is having a homeschooling conference. I am looking forward to attending. I haven't joined any homeschool groups yet and I know it will be nice to have the support. It has been rough going so far. It's not that I've gotten a lot of grief from Hannah either. It has mainly been a lack of confidence and self-discipline on my part. I am ready to move on and get to gettin'!

We read a book recently that really took a lot of pressure off. It's called The Imperfect Homeschooler's Guide To Homeschooling. We really enjoyed it and gleaned some good insight from it. Since then, however, we have had so much going on with family vacations and such that I haven't really taken any time to get going with what we have.

So now, after yet another regrouping session, we are set to start again. Even though I am taking a week vacation myself in a couple weeks, I am hoping Daddy will carry on the momentum. I need to feel like we're making progress! So far it has just been start, stop, start, stop...

Even though we like to say "there's no need to reinvent the wheel", it is still a learning process for us. I've only known the public school system myself so in a way I am reinventing my own idea of what school is. Knowing that we are doing what is right for our kids is a comfort though. I also know that we have some super smart kids. So really all I have to do is teach them to read and we would be good! lol! They will take over from there. :o)

Many prayers on Monday would be appreciated! That is our kickoff day (again)!

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