Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We are still here!

Haha!  Um, yeah.  I do have a family of six that tries to be active in the church and the CrossFit communities.  Not that the daily tasks needed to keep the house flowing smoothly aren't enough to throw us off track quite often... I do apologize for not being more on top of this blog.  I really intended it to be a way for family and friends to keep up and feel a part of our lives and then to also spread the good word of Paleo and CrossFit.  I failed at both!  Here is an attempt to catch you up.  I hope you have time! :o)

There are so many plates in the air I often feel I am not up to the task.  My only desire is to do them all well, yet to do well in one only leads the others to teeter. I'm left to just keep them all from falling, and then occasionally allowing one to crash, only to pick another one up in it's place.

With that in mind we are currently reorganizing the plates, evaluating the value of each one, and attempting to give the most treasured a more stable stick to stand on.

Our budget is one plate that has been teetering very dangerously.  We, like most, have champagne taste on a beer budget.  We try to be responsible in balancing our wants and our needs and not going into debt.  That plate alone takes a lot of attention!  CrossFit and the Paleo diet have been taking a HUGE chunk of our budget.

We aren't flexible on Paleo.  We aren't perfect or 100%, 100% of the time.  We do the best we can with what we have, and I am learning every month new tricks and ways to keep it as affordable as possible for us.  It is just the way we eat now.  We all feel better, look better.  It is a win-win and totally worth the extra bucks.

CrossFit is more flexible.  We were purchasing a family plan so we could all go unlimited.  It was a good deal, if you used it enough.  We weren't using it enough!  Michael was the only one that would make it 5 days a week and even then he would go a week or more without getting to go because of TDY's.  With our changes in homeschooling and daily life obligations, I found it hard to attend 3 days a week, and the kids!  Ha!  Lets just say we are in a difficult time right now trying to teach them responsibility (for schoolwork and chores) and time management. (Yes, I need work in those areas too!)   They only made it twice a month! It also takes a huge chunk of time out of our day (the biggest reason I couldn't get there often enough) at a 2 hour minimum from garage there and back. We were not getting our money's worth and it was hurting our wallet, yet it isn't something we want to give up.  I LONG to go every day.  If I had a different life I would probably be a box rat or CrossFit coach, just so I could workout a lot and help others while I was at it.

We checked out the free gym on post since we heard it had the stuff for CrossFit.   Big money saver right?!  We would lose the company of great fellow CrossFitters and coaches (boo!!) but gain the money we paid the box...  Blah!  It didn't have anything set up for kids and it was a total Globo gym.  I felt hugely uncomfortable there and was still left with the time issue and the added problem of finding something to do with the kids. (They went with me to the box, they have a room upstairs with a TV and couches, it was great!  It was no different then us being home with them upstairs playing while I'm downstairs working.)

So we started researching home gym equipment again.  We had looked into this when we first moved here but it just worked out better to go to the box.  I think I really needed the time and experiences that I gained from there.  Once we added everything up and compared it to the monthly cost of the gym for the remainder of our time on the island, we found we will save $1000's in the long run and still have the equipment to use for the rest of our lives!  The savings will only grow over the years!

Now, I admit that I wasn't going to the box just to experience pain and exhaustion   It was to experience pain and exhaustion with others! Haha! (Yeah, you do have to be a bit nuts to CrossFit).  I also admit that I am still in need of coaching.  Competitions of some kind are something I would like to see in my future and that would require instruction and guidance (and TIME).  These issues are solved by 1) the fact that Michael and I plan to workout together in the am before the kiddos get up,  2) we both have been doing it enough that we have the basic movements down and can watch each other to correct form, at this point it is just working it over and over to get better, and best of all, 3)  the competitions I am most interested in is Olympic weightlifting and the box has recently set up a barbell club that will be working all those movements on a more individual level.  As a now non-member, I will pay more for the club, but that is still cheaper than our monthly fee.  Bonus, it is only once a week!  I can do that!

This is where I will pause for life to have my attention and not overwhelm you all with my rambling.  Michael is TDY this week so I will have more time to continue this catch-up session.  I promise to get to the rest of the 'plates' we are spinning and picking up very soon.  Stay tuned! :o)

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day update

So the Paleo challenge is going well.  We are off to a great start.  I will post some picks of some of the things we have all been eating.  Yes, the WHOLE family is participating in this.  The big girls even asked if they can start doing CrossFit.  They had their first class on Saturday and LOVED it!  I am so excited for them! :o)

These are in no particular order.  A couple of the pics are even from before the challenge officially started. There was obviously more but I don't want to bore you with the details.  Just know it was all delicious!  I will post the fish n'chips recipe soon.  

Have a great President's day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paleo/CrossFit Challenge Begins!

Ok, so this is me in '07.  I'm not sure my exact weight, somewhere around 215lb or so. Size 1XL / 20 jeans were comfy.

This is March of 2009.  I was just finishing up my first trimester with the twins.  Around 220-230lb. Size 1XL / 20 Jeans

This is my sister and I summer of 2011.  We had both lost a lot of weight (her more than I).  I had been CrossFitting and dieting for a little less than a year.  Weight was 195-200lb.  Size 14 jeans.

Here is a current pic.  I average around 205lb. My size 14 jeans are now comfy.  I have been back at doing CrossFit at least 3days/week since October 2011 and eating mostly paleo since August 2011.

Today marks the first day of a 50 Day Paleo Challenge at my box.  I am very excited to see the changes that will happen to my body over this time.  I am now getting at least 4days/week at the box, planning on 5-6.  Between these two things I am confident my body will be transformed.  Just the little bit that I have been doing has already done so much.  This increase in dedication is going to pay off big time!

The next couple of months are going to be pretty exciting.  I also signed up for the CrossFit Open and am participating in the Warrior Dash in March.  Are you guys ready??  Watch out!  Here I come! :oD

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lava cakes in a mug! Ohhh yeaaah!

So, as Juli said at PaleOMG, "this idea was not mine".  She is the one who inspired me with her recipe and I too improved up on it to my liking.  So Juli, try this one!

Lava Cake in a mug

2 TBLS Cocoa powder
2 TBLS almond flour
2 TBLS coconut oil (or butter) melted
1-2 TBLS honey (to taste)
1 egg
pinch of cinnamon

Mix all ingredients in a coffee mug with a fork.  (It is best to leave your egg out to come to room temperature if you are using coconut oil before mixing as it will cause the oil to solidify if it is cold.)  Microwave on high for 1 min.  WATCH OUT!! You must control yourself because it will be HOT.  Allow it to cool for a couple minutes then  indulge in a guilt free treat!  If you have to take it up a notch, add some dark chocolate chips (this will up the sugar though!) and whip up some cream to top it with.  Oh come on!  That notch has to be raised on occasion. ;o)

Enjoy! :oD

Oh and Juli, I am totally checking out those Sweet potato brownies!!  Thanks for sharing!

We're workin' it!

Yeah baby!  Here we go!

So, since my last post a lot has happened.  We are no longer in the hotel.  He have and are settled into our new home courtesy of the Army.  I have been doing CrossFit again three days a week at a local box (gym) since October.  We have a schedule!!  And....we have a fully functional paleo kitchen which we have been maintaining very well too!

I cannot express to you just how much moving with four children, living in a downtown condo for two months, unable to establish a routine, dealing with two terrible two year old's and two bickering older sisters, is taxing to the brain of a mother.  Add to that not eating healthfully or exercising, and it gets taxing on the body too!

Needless to say, it was quite a relief when we were able to move into our house and get settled.

My nerves got some relief as well once I got settled back into a routine of going to the gym.  It is amazing what a difference exercise makes for a person's mood!  Really!  EVERYTHING was better; my mood, my outlook, my response to my children and husband, therefore their response to me!  Simply amazing!  Have I mentioned I love CrossFit?!

So given these wonderful changes to our world, I have seen wonderful changes to our health as well!  I am now back into my size 14 jeans!  I have energy again and everyone is looking bright and healthy.

So here is the good stuff.  In January I decided to bump up my workouts to 5 days a week.  (So far, I have only managed to get 4/week.  I am still pressing each week to get at least 5 workouts in. This will be the week!!)  My box (gym) is also starting a 50 day Paleo challenge which is to begin on the 15th of Feb.  I will be posting before pics (some previous and some current) as well as pics of my food.  I will also share some recipes that I feel are goodies.

All this goes in conjunction with our upcoming Warrior dash.  In March Michael and I will be participating in a 5k that has many outrageous obstacles throughout, to include climbing walls, jumping over fire, and crawling through mud under barbed wires.  With the event I have chosen to fund raise for St. Jude as well.  If you would like to donate the link is on the top left of this page.

As you can see, we have a lot going on around here.  I am excited to see how the short term goals turn out and I am excited to share them with you!  As time allows I will be sure to include how we got on this path to begin with, but for now I have to get back to schooling the girls. :o)  I hope to see you back soon!  Please leave a comment and let me know you were here!

P.S. The first recipe is to follow shortly. :o)